Frequently Asked Questions

Heating and Air Questions Sandersville, GA

Helton Electrical Services is your local choice for answers to all your heating and air questions. Call us to learn more about our repair, installation, and maintenance services.

Heating and Air Questions

How do you know if your AC needs to be replaced?

Most AC systems last 10-15 years with regular maintenance. If your AC system is over 10 years old or is beginning to make banging or also grinding sounds it may be time to consider a replacement. At Helton Electrical Services we offer free system replacement estimates. Our team can help determine if you are in need of a repair or a new air conditioner.

Does HVAC need yearly maintenance?

HVAC systems operate more efficiently when semi-annual maintenance is performed. Maintenance helps your air conditioner keep you comfortable as well as lowers your utility bills. Therefore learn more about our planned maintenance program.

What is considered an AC emergency?

Since AC systems have many mechanical and also electrical parts trying to repair them yourself can be dangerous. Anytime your AC system stops cooling it should be considered an emergency and therefore you should call a licensed HVAC professional to diagnose the problem. If you have elderly adults or young children living in your home this is even more imperative as higher temperatures in your home can be dangerous to their health.

When should you contact an electrician?

If your electrical circuit breakers are frequently tripping it is time to call in a licensed electrician. Blowing fuses on a regular basis is not a normal situation. Replacing fuses is not only annoying it is also dangerous. Fuses that continue to blow are drawing in more current than they are able to feed. Never try to diagnose or repair electrical problems on your own. Trust a licensed electrician from Helton Electrical Services to diagnose the problem, repair it, and keep you safe.

What is routine AC maintenance?

Routine AC maintenance is having your air conditioning system serviced by a licensed professional on a regular basis to keep it operating efficiently, and also cost effectively. During routine maintenance we perform the following:

Monitor Gas Furnace operation

Check Electric Heat Strips

Clean Out Condensate Drains

Inspect and Clean Condenser Coil

Inspect and Clean Evaporator Coil (if accessible)

Evaluate All Safety Devices

Check Supply and also Return Temperature Difference (indication of system performance)

Check Relays and also contactors for deterioration

And More…….

Having regular maintenance performed on your air conditioning system not only keeps you more comfortable it also saves you money on utility bills due to increased energy efficiency.

What would cause my AC not to come on?

There are several reasons an AC system may not come on. If you have this issue check your thermostat for loose or disconnected wires. Wires that are frayed or disconnected will not allow your AC system to turn on. Another issue could be a faulty or broken thermostat. If you look into these two solutions and still have an issue give us a call. Our team is ready to help you get back to the comfort you deserve.

Sandersville, GA Heating and Air Questions

Trust the Boys in Blue to answer all your heating and air questions. Helton Electrical Services is your local choice for all your HVAC and also your electrical needs.

Contact us for your appointment today.

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